
مصممون على الحياة رغم القصف والدمار

في ظل الأزمات العميقة التي يعاني منها قطاع غزة في ظل العدوان الاسرائيلي منذ عشرة اشهر، برزت مبادرة “HopeHub” كمنارة للأمل وإعادة البناء. فمنذ إطلاقها قبل ستة أشهر على يد المهندس صلاح أحمد و المهندس فادي العيسوي، تطورت هذه المبادرة من خيمة صغيرة في حي تل السلطان برفح، تضم خمسة أفراد فقط، إلى مشروع طموح يخدم أكثر من 4000 شخص في مختلف مناطق اللجوء.

بدأت “HopeHub” رحلتها بتقديم الدعم الأساسي للفريلانسرز والطلاب الذين تأثرت حياتهم بشكل كبير جراء الحرب والنزوح المستمر. و على الرغم من الصعوبات، استطاعت المبادرة توسيع نطاق خدماتها لتشمل رفح و دير البلح، و مواصي خانيونس، ومن ثم الوصول إلى مصر. هذا التوسع يعكس التزام “HopeHub” بتلبية احتياجات المجتمع الفلسطيني في ظل الظروف الصعبة.

تمكنت المبادرة من تمكين أكثر من 203 شركة من استئناف أعمالها عن بُعد، مما وفر فرصة استقرار مهنية للعاملين المتضررين. كما أن “HopeHub” لعبت دورًا حاسمًا في دعم الطلاب و الاكاديمين عبر عقد شراكات مع جامعات وطنية مثل جامعة النجاح و جامعات عالمية مثل جامعة جلاسكو، حيث وفرت المبادرة للطلال الإنترنت والكهرباء اللازمة لمتابعة دراستهم وتقديم امتحاناتهم، في ظل التحديات الكبيرة التي تواجههم. كما قامت بعقد العديد من ورش العمل لتطوير قدرات الطلاب في البحث العملي.

أطلقت “HopeHub” أيضًا برنامجًا تدريبيًا شاملًا والعديد من ورش العمل التقنية مع مجموعة كبيرة من المؤثرين و الاستشاريين الدوليين ب هدف إلى تعزيز مهارات الشباب الفلسطيني. هذا البرنامج يوفر للشباب في غزة ومصر الأدوات والمعرفة التي يحتاجونها لبناء مستقبلهم المهني، ويعزز من قدرتهم على التكيف مع سوق العمل المتغير.

كما لعبت وزارة الاتصالات و الإقتصاد الرقمي دورًا حيويًا في نجاح المبادرة، حيث عملت على تسهيل الحصول على خدمات الإنترنت اللازم للمبادرة عبر التعاون مع شركة الاتصالات الفلسطينية  “بالتل”. هذا الدعم ساهم بشكل كبير في تلبية احتياجات الفريلانسرز والطلاب وعزز من قدرة “HopeHub” على تقديم خدمات فعالة في ظل الظروف الصعبة التي يمر بها ابناء شعبنا 

تعد مبادرة “HopeHub” مثالًا على قوة الإرادة والقدرة على تحويل التحديات إلى فرص. بفضل جهود المخلصين من ابناء هذا الوطن  ودعم وزارة الاتصالات والاقتصاد الرقمي ، أعادت المبادرة الأمل إلى الآلاف من الفلسطينيين، وأثبتت أن العمل الجماعي والتفاني يمكن أن يحدثا فارقًا حقيقيًا في حياة الأفراد والمجتمعات.


Launching the HopeHub Initiative: A Beacon of Hope Amidst Exceptional Circumstances

“Through the HopeHub initiative, we are reminded that even in the face of overwhelming odds, cooperation and perseverance can pave the way to a better future,”

In the darkest moments, when despair seems overwhelming, the HopeHub initiative emerges as a guiding light in the Gaza Strip. Amid the destruction of electricity and internet infrastructure during ongoing conflict, this initiative is more than just a project—it’s a symbol of hope, resilience, and the unwavering human spirit.

Exceptional Circumstances in Gaza

In the heart of Deir al-Balah, Rafah, and Khan Younis, the people of Gaza are enduring unimaginable hardships. Continuous power outages and the crippling loss of internet services have brought daily life to a standstill. Simple acts like turning on a light or connecting with loved ones have become distant memories. The war has torn apart the fabric of our communities, leaving us in darkness, disconnected from the world.

But even in these dire circumstances, we refuse to be defeated.

“Through the HopeHub initiative, we are reminded that even in the face of overwhelming odds, cooperation and perseverance can pave the way to a better future,”

In the darkest moments, when despair seems overwhelming, the HopeHub initiative emerges as a guiding light in the Gaza Strip. Amid the destruction of electricity and internet infrastructure during ongoing conflict, this initiative is more than just a project—it’s a symbol of hope, resilience, and the unwavering human spirit.

Exceptional Circumstances in Gaza

In the heart of Deir al-Balah, Rafah, and Khan Younis, the people of Gaza are enduring unimaginable hardships. Continuous power outages and the crippling loss of internet services have brought daily life to a standstill. Simple acts like turning on a light or connecting with loved ones have become distant memories. The war has torn apart the fabric of our communities, leaving us in darkness, disconnected from the world.

But even in these dire circumstances, we refuse to be defeated.

Providing Income Sources for the Entrepreneurial Community and Business Owners

In Gaza, where opportunities are few and far between, the HopeHub initiative is a beacon for entrepreneurs and business owners. These co-working spaces, equipped with modern technology, are more than just offices—they are workshops of dreams. Here, young minds nurture their ideas, turning them into realities. In a place where despair could easily take root, HopeHub is cultivating innovation and creativity, helping individuals secure a livelihood and breathe life into the local economy.

Achievements of the Initiative

From its inception, HopeHub has not just sparked success; it has ignited a movement. Entrepreneurs have risen from the ashes of their past, launching new projects and achieving milestones they once thought impossible. Within this community, we have found strength in unity. The bonds formed here, through shared experiences and exchanged ideas, have become the foundation of a new, resilient Gaza.

Testimony from Muin Mohamed Zomlot, Director of Tweet Tech

For me, HopeHub has been nothing short of a miracle. As the Director of Tweet Tech, I have faced overwhelming challenges, navigating between Egypt, Khan Younis, and Deir al-Balah. Yet, even in these trying conditions, the HopeHub initiative has been my lifeline. It provided the tools and the environment I needed to slowly rebuild my business. The co-working spaces, filled with the hum of creativity and the pulse of modern technology, were crucial in helping me rise from the ruins.

Special Thanks to the Initiative’s Leaders

My gratitude is boundless for the leaders of the HopeHub initiative, particularly Engineer Salah Ahmed and Engineer Fadi Al-Isawi. Their dedication has been the cornerstone of this initiative’s success. They have given our community in Gaza not just support, but a reason to believe in a brighter tomorrow.

The initiative not only offers a glimmer of hope to the people of Gaza but also stands as a testament to the unyielding spirit of humanity.


ACT’s Mission to Empower Palestinian Youth: Building Hope and Opportunities Across Gaza

ACT’s Mission to Empower Palestinian Youth: Building Hope and Opportunities Across Gaza

In the face of adversity, ACT stands resolute in its mission to uplift and empower individuals, especially the youth, across Palestine. The organization’s unwavering support fuels their determination to overcome challenges and conflicts, enabling them to expand their reach and impact in areas like Rafah and Deir El Balah.

Spotlight on HopeHub Spaces:

HopeHub, from its humble beginnings in a tent to becoming the first co-working space in Rafah, symbolizes resilience and opportunity for over 300 freelance Gazans. This evolution showcases the power of community collaboration and innovation in rebuilding futures amidst difficult circumstances.

Expanding Horizons to Deir El Balah:

ACT’s recent expansion of services into Deir El Balah marks a significant step in addressing the growing needs across the Gaza Strip. By extending support to more than 250 freelancers and remote workers, ACT reaffirms its commitment to empowering individuals and communities, despite the challenges that remain in helping more young people in the area.

Mobilizing for Gaza: Creating Job Opportunities for Palestinians:

A recent webinar hosted by BuildPalestine, featuring ACT’s co-founder Fady Issawi, highlighted the urgent need for employment opportunities for Gazans displaced to Egypt. The discussion shed light on the challenges they face post-war and emphasized the importance of reintegrating Gazan talents into the workforce for a sustainable future.

Egypt: A New Chapter for Gazan Talents:

At the Startups Without Borders event in Cairo, ACT showcased the potential of Palestinian talents and established connections within Egypt’s tech and startup community. Co-founder Salah Ahmed’s platform, Oqoodi, received recognition for supporting freelancers and remote workers in managing their work effectively.

Joining Hands for a Brighter Future:

ACT invites individuals to join their mission of empowering Palestinian youth in Egypt by embracing diversity and harnessing the talent and innovation of skilled individuals. By engaging with the community of over 550 talents in Egypt, ACT aims to create a more inclusive and impactful environment for all.

In conclusion, ACT’s dedication to empowering individuals and creating opportunities for Palestinian youth shines through their initiatives and partnerships. With continued support and belief in their cause, together, we can make a difference in helping individuals thrive amidst challenges. To offer your support through donations, please visit the link provided.